The Economist is beneath any form of journalism worth its salt


The British weekly The Economist has published an article on their website, entitled “Barbarians at the gates – Slovenia’s prime minister hunts for enemies,” in which they write about how Janez Janša is copying his Hungarian colleague Viktor Orban. The article is a construct of the prominent actors and fans of the red star – Anuška Delić Zavrl, photographer Miloš Vujinović, and Renato Volker, who are, among other things, misleading the public with Volker’s waving of the Slovenian flag, even though the entire Slovenia knows that only a week earlier, he was waving an even bigger Yugoslav flag.

The newspaper writes about how the politics in Slovenia are dirty and that the divisions in our society are as deep as elsewhere in Europe. It quotes the investigative journalist Anuška Delić Zavrl, who claims that Janez Janša is trying to turn Slovenia into another “liberal democracy,” following the example of the neighbouring Hungary, which is led by his friend, Viktor Orban. They then add that Janša allegedly “just barely” has the majority in the parliament, and hint that he wants to get rid of his enemies with the help of the authoritarian rule. Therefore, he wants to get rid of the public radio and television and part of the media, The Economist writes.

Among other things, Janša is being accused of hostility towards the judiciary, as the key functions are being controlled by the people who are determined to protect the elites, the deep state, along with the economic crime, and tycoon networks. However, they forgot to mention that a huge number of proceedings are inefficient and time-barred due to the judicial system. Among other things, the article also hints at the allegations of Anuška Delić, who claims that she has found a connecting link between Janša and the neo-Nazis, but again, they “forget” to mention what the link actually is. They then add that Janša wants to change Slovenia into another “liberal democracy.” As if liberal democracy is the only acceptable form of democracy. It is more than obvious that those who want to discredit the Slovenian government in every way, while at the same time flirting with the former one-party system, do not know the true meaning of democracy. What is even more bizarre, is that The Economist uncritically believed everything they said, without actually checking the situation from the other side, or in the field.

The article also mentions that Janša often criticizes the use of Yugoslav symbols, and the creators made a new photograph, on which the Renato Volker, who was already mentioned above, is waving the Slovenian flag (for once). In order to increase their credibility, the images were forwarded to SipaUSA, with which they are portraying a false picture of the situation in Slovenia, with a person, who is actually a big fan of the red star, as he usually waves the Yugoslav flag instead of the Slovenian one.

Every Friday, thousands of people are cycling around Ljubljana, who are “afraid” of slipping into an “autocracy,” the weekly writes. But the authors of the article forgot to mention that these cyclists were violating the laws which were banning gatherings of larger groups in public places during the epidemic. They also forgot to mention that the government accepted their protests without any repressive measures. In addition, they do not mention that the root cause of the protests is the fact that money will no longer be flowing in the protesters’ pockets without doing any work. The article is thus putting even more wind in the sails of the protesters, among whom there are also those who do not even know why they are protesting but are only following the herd mentality.

The article also states that Janša welcomed the fight with the coronavirus, recalling the heroic fight from 30 years ago, even though with the coronavirus, we fought a battle against an invisible enemy. A similar comparison was made by some other media outlets when the government spokesman Jelko Kacin appeared, which reminded them of the war for Slovenia. The Prime Minister responded with a nice gesture and thanked all key personnel and the citizens who respected the rules for successfully winning the fight, which The Economist describes as average among the countries in the region.

Sara Kovač


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