[Public opinion poll] Majority of the respondents against early elections – most people have recognized that we are the corona winners!


The majority of the respondents believe that there is currently no need for early elections, and there is growing support for the government’s restrictive measures in the fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Parsifal Agency has conducted a public opinion poll for Nova24TV between June 1st and June 4th, regarding the public’s opinion of the possible early elections, and general support for the government measures adopted to tackle the COVID-19 epidemic.

As we have recently heard calls from the media outlets and certain groups, especially the protesters, asking for early elections, we are publishing the results of the poll. The majority of the respondents do not agree with the opinion of the protesters, as 50.9 percent of all respondents believe that early parliamentary elections are not necessary at the moment, while 44.3 percent think otherwise. Only 4.8 percent did not answer this question.

The people have recognized that we are the corona winners The support for the current government is very strong, especially when it comes to assessing the government’s performance in its fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Immediate government action which followed shortly after the beginning of their term in office, the relatively small number of deaths due to COVID-19, the good epidemiological picture, the help that was provided for the people and the economy, and the imminent victory over the disease are also evident in the answers to the public opinion poll. 26.9 percent of the respondents believe that the current Slovenian government is very successful in its fight against the coronavirus epidemic, and 58 percent believe it is successful – therefore, a total of 84.9 percent support the government. Only 13.3 percent of the respondents believe the government is not successful.

Support for the restrictive measures is growing When it comes to assessing the restrictive measures taken by the government so far to curb the spread of the coronavirus, as many as 74.8 percent of the respondents believe that the measures are appropriate. Much less, only 21.9 percent are convinced that they are not appropriate. 3.3 percent of the respondents did not answer this question.

The results from the period of one month, which include three public opinion polls, show that the already-high support for the government and the restrictive measures is still growing. On May 8th, it was at 72.1 percent, and on May 22nd, it was at 73.3 percent. The share of dissatisfied people is also decreasing, as, with the last public opinion poll, there were only 21.9 percent of them.

The survey included 750 respondents, of which 51.2 percent were women. The average age of the participants is 51.6 years, and the standard deviation is 15.6 years. The majority of the respondents are from the oldest age group (42.7 %), a slightly smaller number of participants belong to the middle age group (38.0 %), and the smallest number of respondents is from the youngest age group (19.3 %). The majority of the respondents have completed high school (33.4 %), followed by those with completed high education or higher (26.8 %), 23.1 percent of respondents have finished vocational school, and 16.8 percent have either completed or have not completed primary school. The majority of the respondents currently reside in a small village or hamlet (51.6 %), followed by those who live in the city (30.8 %) or a smaller town (17.7 %). Most of the respondents are from the central region of Slovenia (26.2 %), followed by Podravska (13.9 %) and Savinjska region (12.5 %).

Rok Krajnc


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